We are getting all ready for baby boy to join us!
You can see signs of it throughout the house!
{Cradle} |
{Pack-n-Play} |
{Bouncer Seat} |
{Diapers, blankets, burp cloths, diaper bag, books} |
{Stroller & car seat} |
{Crib buddies} |
{Sweetest little fuzzy suit} |
I think we are pretty much ready. I can't believe we are getting so close to D Day! I am now officially "full term" and last week at my appointment things were at a 1 cm and 50% thinned. The doctor told me she would not be surprised if he came a week or so early! WOW! Our emotions are running wild everyday. They range from anxious, to nervous, to excited, to scared, to plain just can't wait!
We have been so well taken care of by our family and friends!
Thank you to everyone who has given us the things we need to be ready for our little man! We appreciate all the love and kindness that has been shown to us! Now, we wait! :)