Thursday, August 26, 2010

Summer Wrap Up

Well, fall is officially on its way. The mornings are chilly, the bow hunt is here, and school starts in a couple of days. Where has the summer gone?! I really feel like it slipped out from under us! But, luckily, we do have a lot to show for it. We were able to do a lot of fun things. Here are just a few:

Ok...I do not really know where we were going on this early morning...but I had to include the picture. It was like 9 a.m. and Bryce was starving. So, he stopped at Maverick in Nibley and dressed up this monstrous Bahama Mama. I was cracking up while he ate it. Ya gotta love that!!


Next up we have some pictures from a bon-fire that we had with our friends the Freckletons. We went up Blacksmith's Fork, did some fishing, played some games, and of course ate some yummy food. Bryce's famous dutch oven potatoes are like my new favorite food!!




Over the 4th of July we were able to take a fun camping trip to the Greys River up near Star Valley Wyoming. We went with my whole family. There were a lot of good laughs and Bryce caught quite a few fish. It was a blast!


Now, my personal summer favorite, THE POOL! I would spend every day at the pool if I could. I can't seem to soak up enough sun! I went every chance that I got. Bryce was a good sport and tagged along with me a couple times. Here is is going to go try out the slide!


A really exciting thing that happened this summer is Cole getting his mission call. We all gathered 'round and cheered when we heard him read "Called to serve in the Peru, Cuzco know! Like Cuzco on Emperor's New Groove. We love that movie at our house! Cole is going to be a great missionary!


Now, a summer favorite, fireworks. They are always fun. This is Bryce and I at the fireworks at Weber State.


Here is a crack up story. We were outside working on Bryce's truck (we did A LOT of that this summer too!!) and then Bryce saw this little bunny standing right by the garbage cans of our apartments. He was the cutest little guy! So, we caught him and brought him in our house. We fed him some brussel sprouts and Bryce was convinced that we HAD to keep him. I named him Charlie. He was sweet but there was no way I was going to keep that thing. I think Bryce may have shed a tear but he finally agreed to let Charlie go.


Over the 24th of July we went to Ennis Montana with Bryce's family. It was an interesting time, but a good one. Bryce got to fish his favorite river and he caught a true LUNKER! We ended up leaving early after a somewhat sticky situation but it turned out to be a great thing. We stopped off to buy some clothes at the DI and were able to do a temple session in the Idaho Falls temple. I was a very nice experience to feel so close to Bryce after having a bit of a rough time. I'm glad I had my best friend around this summer!


The last adventure I will tell is fishing at Devils Creek just North of Malad in Idaho. We spent the day with my dad, bro, and sis on the lake. It was fun. I caught this little beauty. Bryce did not catch anything but he had fun fishing and looking for deer.



It was a nice summer. Bryce and I had a lot of fun together! It is nice to know that even though life is crazy and sometimes throws curve balls we aren't ready for, with a best friend by your side, you are able to make it through anything. Thanks honey for a great summer! I can't wait for more to come!!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! You are so cute! Loved your summer wrap up, makes me excited for the very distant future when I can have a great best friend by my side like you :)
